Wednesday, December 30, 2015

For this assignment you will plot the probability mass function and the cumula- tive distribution function of the binomial distribution an geometric distribution

  • For assignment 2 we generated the pmf of the Binomial Distribution (recall: f(x) = (n choose x)( p^(x) ) *  (1 - p) (n - x) for x = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; 10, [in Matlab terms: f(x) = nchoosek( n, x ) * p^x * (1-p)^(n-x) ]).
  • For this assignment you will plot the probability mass function and the cumula-tive distribution function of the binomial distribution for p = 0:15; 0:33; 0:5; 0:66; 0:85 and n = 10. How does the shape change as a function of p?
  • The pmf of the Geometric Distribution is given as : f(x) = ((1- p)^(x-1 ))p [in Matlab: (1-p)^(x-1) * p], for x = 1; 2; : : :. Plot the probability mass function and the cumulative distribution function of a geometric distribution with p = 0:15; 0:33; 0:5; 0:66; 0:85 for x = 1; 2; : : : ; 15. How does the shape change as a function of p?
 Binomial Distribution
  • Binomial Probability Cumulative Distribution
1p =0.15

2p = 0.33

3p = 0.5

4p = 0.66

5p = 0.85
  • Binomial Probability Mass Function
1p = 0.15
2p =0.33

3p = 0.5

4p =0.66

Geometric Distribution 
  • Probability Cumulative function 

    • Probability Mass Function

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